Friday, October 02, 2009

Company Line

I was at school for a full 8 hours today, starting at 8:45 am. Only 2 hours were actually spent in class, another 1.5 hours in exam-- the rest was spent either cramming for, or commiserating with one another regarding, our first econ exam, an exam that felt like the seminal event of the month. We had heard for weeks on how hard (yet nicely curved) the class was, and today was our first chance to see for ourselves. Even the pass/fail kids (who I alternate between envying and hating) were freaking out. Second years tried to calm us down, those who weren't in the class cheered us on, and in the end, we all went out for drinks (except for newly sober me who had water). Favorite piece of conversation today? "I heard Atul Gwande failed this class*."

*An obvious lie, but I love going to a school where we joke about Jeffrey Sachs and Atul Gwande, one of whom apparently loved this very econ class.

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