Sunday, June 07, 2009

And Who Is My Neighbor?

Katy Helsinki likes to tell the story of her roommate from her BU days who grew up in New Jersey.  When they'd first met, Helsinki had asked, "So, are you from armpit New Jersey?  Or Bruce-Springsteen-is-my-neighbor-New Jersey?"  To which the roommate replied, "Actually, he is my neighbor."  Having heard the story so many times (that Helsinki is a talker) lately, it was fresh on my mind this morning when I rode in Laura's car (adventure stories to come later) and New Jersey came up.  So, I brought up Helsinki's story, all the way up to the big reveal, "Yeah, he really is my neighbor"-- to which Laura replied, "Hm.  I guess we're from the same town, because he really is my neighbor.  And I went to school with his sons."  Apparently, in New Jersey, The Boss is everyone's neighbor.  And now my NJ story trumps Helsinki's.  A win for everyone involved.

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