Thursday, December 06, 2007

When You're Sitting on the Lawn

Do you know the diarrhea song(s)?  Did you sing them growing up?  I know that you don't like to comment, but please tell me one way or another.  I simply need to know.

Up until a month ago, I thought they were the type of songs that everyone grew up singing, like Twinkle Twinkle (hee), but I have recently discovered that that is simply not true.  Most people I have asked about the diarrhea songs give me a blank look at best and a repulsed shake at worst.  I learned the songs from my brother.  Who says that he learned them in middle school.  The songs are a real and legit part of American culture because there's a wikipedia entry out there on it and they were even mentioned in a Steve Martin movie. Yet most of my contemporaries not knowing them.  So I wonder- is it geographic?  Is it generational?  Is it intellect (those who know, of course, being those who possess higher intellect)?  What makes it so that my brother, his middle school, and I learned this popular cultural phenomenon and none of my high school/college friends did? 

Example of diarrhea song:

When you're sitting on the lawn
and you see something brown
diarrhea~  diarrhea~

Can you add more?

1 comment:

Dusty said...

Of the sports variety:

When your running down to first
and you feel something burst


When your sliding into home
and you feel something foam...

I just lost respect for myself...