Tuesday, September 20, 2005

In Which We Fail To Understand Alarm Clocks

nrmL: I was supposed to be at breakfast already, but my alarm never went off. That stupid thing!

Moi: Wait, was it a radio alarm?

nrmL: Yeah, did it go off? I must not have heard it.

Moi: I thought it was a dream I was having. (A dream where the radio alarm went off... not very original considering the circumstances. Ok, maybe that should have been the tip off that it wasn't a dream, but I just woke up, so back off.)

nrmL: Dammit, I always sleep through them. I hate alarm clocks.

Moi: Wait... I think you might have turned it off yourself.

nrmL: Oh. Yeah, that happens, too. I just don't remember.

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